Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Goodbye Hooray.

Well, it's finally here. One of the most dreadful days of the year, the last day of summer is finally here. I have to say, it was quite a productive summer and one of the shortest summer I have ever encountered.
Here's what I want to remember.
Live Music I witnessed:
June 11: Title Fight, Shook Ones, Touche Amore, The Menzingers
June 17: Andrew Jackson Jihad, Shinobu, O Pioneers!!!, The Wild
June 22: Two Gallants, The Mumlers
July 25: Rademacher
July 28: The Henry Clay People
August 5: Jimmy Eat World, Dead Country and Dustin Kensrue
August 12: Joyce Manor, Shinobu, Four Tomorrow
August 16: Bomb the Music Industry!, The Sidekicks, Hard Girls

I also had the pleasure to attend my very first San Jose Giants game, Los Angeles Dodgers game and after a three year hiatus, I made a visit to the Angel Stadium of Anaheim to watch the halos play.

There were also very 'firsts' for me this summer...I went to the Santa Cruz boardwalk and rode the big dipper for the first time, played Scrabble, Ride the Bus and Pictionary for the first time and went to the Palm Desert for the first time in my life.

Along with many other productive things, I'm glad I started and finished four books this summer...Ask the Dust by John Fante, Catcher in the Rye and Apathy and Other Small Victories by Paul Neilman and Ham on the Rye by Bukowski.

As always, I do have few regrets about the summer, but at the moment I rather just focus on the good things that happened.

La Quienta Police

Panther Beach.

If I had to write one sentence to describe this summer, it would be:
I'm finally getting older and growing up

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Summer Update

What I have been up to the past few weeks:

The Henry Clay People at the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles, CA

Late Night Nature Trail Adventure.

Rademacher at DiPiazza's in Long Beach, CA


This was on the front porch of my friend Robbie's house

Halos vs. the Twins

Street art in Los Angeles.

I saw this car and immediatly thought of my older sister. So I took a picture and sent it to her.

None of these pictures are in particular order. The reason I uploaded them here was because I'm too lazy to write about my summer adventure and I have a feeling that I am going to keep in contact with this blog a lot longer than with facebook.