A much delayed post.
On monday Oct 17th, 2011. I went down to Santa Cruz to the Rio Theatre to see Ryan Adams.
Jason Isbell opened up and played 8 songs and then Ryan played for 2.5hours. I think total of 23 songs with just him, his guitar and harmonica. He did play two songs on the piano including a wonderful stripped down version of 'New York, New York.'
This was my fifth trip to Santa Cruz this year and I fall more and more in love with the city every time. I know lots of people who want to live in San Francisco but I will choose the mountains and the beach any day.
About a month ago, a house few blocks from where I live caught on fire. I walked past it few days later to see what kind of shape it was in. It's kind of sad to see a house burnt down but there is also some type of beauty in it.
A few weeks ago, as I was walking out of the King Library I noticed this on the ground near a bench.
On monday Oct 17th, 2011. I went down to Santa Cruz to the Rio Theatre to see Ryan Adams.
Jason Isbell opened up and played 8 songs and then Ryan played for 2.5hours. I think total of 23 songs with just him, his guitar and harmonica. He did play two songs on the piano including a wonderful stripped down version of 'New York, New York.'
This was my fifth trip to Santa Cruz this year and I fall more and more in love with the city every time. I know lots of people who want to live in San Francisco but I will choose the mountains and the beach any day.
About a month ago, a house few blocks from where I live caught on fire. I walked past it few days later to see what kind of shape it was in. It's kind of sad to see a house burnt down but there is also some type of beauty in it.
A few weeks ago, as I was walking out of the King Library I noticed this on the ground near a bench.