Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Trying new things.

Yesterday was full of positives. I think it's partially funny because when I woke up I was nervous about the what was ahead of me for that day. As I mentioned earlier, I am currently taking 'Intro to Forensic Anthropology' this summer session. This is the last week of class and we had a wonderful option of turning in a paper on Thursday or do a 10 to 15minute Presentation in front of everyone. I decided to go with the presentation because I was in no mood to write a paper. So instead of hanging out with friends during the day of fourth of July, I stayed in and worked on my powerpoint. I did walk to the San Jose Giants stadium during the night to catch the fireworks.

My presentation went a lot better than I expected. As I said I was pretty nervous going into class and part of the reasons was that I hadn't given a public presentation in a over a year. My topic was on 'Disposal of Human Corpses' I was the second one to present so I could get it out of the way. I know I did good because when I finished and started walking back to my seat, the girl sitting in front of me said I did a good job. Part me things that she was just being nice but I would like to think that she really meant it when she said I did good.

After class ended at four, I took a nice sweaty mile walk back to my house, ate some dinner and watched the Cardinals-Reds baseball game. I figured I would be spending the rest of the night on the couch watching baseball when about an hour later I got a phone from a friend asking if I wanted to hangout. Fifteen minutes later I was in a car with three other people driving around looking for food. The four of us ended up eating dinner at Chilies. I had a Black Bean Avocado Burger, it was alright, nothing fancy. After dinner, we played a  game called 'Spud' in the parking lot. It was really fun and I found it fascinating that just because four people were running around a part of the parking lot meant that we had reserved the spot. The game lasted around 40 minutes we had no problems with cars.
After the game, we went back to one of our friends house and I played Scrabble and Pictionary for the first time. I really enjoyed playing both games, I had trouble with Scrabble early one but I look forward to giving both games another shot.

Looking back, I have done lots of new things during the past five weeks in San Jose.  I will save that for another time.

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