Saturday, January 14, 2012

Beginning of the End

It's a weird feeling being in San Jose, knowing that I only have four months left to call this place home.
The misanthropist doesn't want to share this news with many people and just go about doing my business when school starts and then quietly clock out when the time comes. The other part of me wants to share the news and spend as much time as I can with people since I only have few months left.

Few days ago, My friend and I made a trip down to Monterey. We had been talking about this trip for few weeks now so I had an idea on how the trip would go and as usual, the reality was nothing like the idea I had in my head. The first place we visited was Point Pinos Lighthouse. I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before, but, I have some sort of an obsession with lighthouses so I was excited to see my very first one in person. 

It was also nice that the day was nice. Every once in a while, you have those days where everything goes well, even if it is not how you imagined it to be, you are more than happy on how it ended up being. This was one of those days. 

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